Day II - round table with local stakeholders (social workers / referrals, doctors, teachers, priests, police officers, community nurses, non-governmental organizations, etc.) from the Salonta area in Bihor county
Together we approached the problem of human trafficking, the modalities of recruitment and forms of exploitation. Considering that most of the minor victims or persons with disabilities are recruited from public areas - train stations, buses - given that there are many students commuting to the cities, that there is a large number of vulnerable people or in an at risk situation, DETECTION of cases is vital.
The trafficking of people with its subtleties - most people are manipulated and constrained emotionally and psychologically to be kept in the exploitation situation - making this crime even more difficult to prove!
48% of human trafficking victims in 2018 were recruited by friends / acquaintances,
10% by their partner or husband,
89% recruited in person,
and 8% through the Internet!
Day II - a special meeting with the students from Salonta Agricultural High School, where we discussed of course about human trafficking - who are the recruiters, traffickers, forms of exploitation and especially how we can protect ourselves from this phenomenon. We also discussed how we can support our colleagues and friends - what strategies of resistance or support of the vulnerable can we develop. It's amazing how all the kids we meet have the knowledge and experiences that we, some adults, don't even imagine. We prefer to see them as ignorant, unknowing, unprepared, cheeky. We do not have time to listen to them, to talk openly with them about the topics that interest them - to find our support - we ignore their need for knowledge in their lives, we do not consider them prepared. They need us in turn to be responsible and informed adults.
DAY I - we are discussing with the wonderful children from the Husasau de Tinca High School about what we can do to avoid becoming victims of human trafficking.
Bright kids - but given that 43% of the victims in 2018 were minors, an entire community is needed to protect the future of these children!
The students involved in the Stiintescu project - "Learn to see the world through the eyes of a child" were invited to the event organized by the Oradea Community Foundation - Știintescu Fest on the occasion of the official opening of the COMUNICATECA - center "which inspires and seeks inspiration, for the special, for the great and awesome! ”, as are our children.
More photos can be viewed on facebook here:
Our "fight" against human trafficking is a daily one as we work alongside those who have survived human trafficking and their families. However, wanting to mark the European day of Anti-Trafficking - 18th October - we held a series of activities in communities together with the Bihor Prefect Insitute (coordinator of inter-institutional group against human trafficking) and CR Oradea Anitp.
Human trafficking and intervention in this area as well as the specificity of our beneficiaries - regarding protection and confidentiality - both from the point of view of security and the stigma and avoidance of victimization, prevent us from going out in public with details about our activity from the point of view of assistance! As the only provider of specialist assistance services in the Northwest area, the load of cases is sometimes overwhelming. However, prevention and awareness-raising activities are equally important in creating a safer community. Each of us, assuming its part, can improve the situation and the victims can be detected, assisted and the traffickers convicted!
Day I - Round table with local stakeholders from Tinca and he surrounding area.
Given that the Bihor county is among the top 10 counties in Romania as a source of victims of human trafficking (according to statistics published by the National Agency against Trafficking in Persons), institutions, professionals, people with influence in the community as representatives of the church, have an especially important role in the DETECTION of potential of exploitation cases.
The representative of the Bihor Public Health Directorate - Dr. Racz Diana - the coordinator of the community health department, stressed the particularly important role that the community nurses and the health mediators, in collaboration with the Social Assistance Public Service have in detecting cases of those at risk or already exploited. Given that the participants discussed complementary factors that may contribute to the growth and maintenance of the phenomenon - drug use and trafficking, migration, school dropout, it is all the more important that everyone who can contribute to reducing the phenomenon will work much closer together and specifically in a coordinated way in combating this phenomenon!
"This day should remind us to be vigilant in the face of hatre, discrimination and dehumanization." (European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker)
The ProRoma School, People to People Foundation in partnership with 7 other schools in the area of Tinca commemorated the Holocaust Day in Romania carrying out various activities.
The slogan of the event was "Different, Unique, Equal", the logo being created by #TeodoraTutos.
The children had craft workshops in which they drew their faces as they are seen, cut out gloves together. Their work was then shown on the school's exhibition panel.
Parents participated in an event that discussed the historical event, watched a documentary film about the Holocaust of the Roma and debated about the event. The main message addressed to parents was "the importance of education" and its importance against mass manipulation.
The teachers participated in a debate on the given topic. The subject was approached historically, psychologically, literaryly and ethnically. We thank all the teachers for participating, especially those who contributed to the initiation of the debates.
Kindergarten activities at the ProRoma school in Tinca. Good fun all around!
Congratulations to the team from the ProRoma school in Tinca. They won 2 awards at the Youth from Rural Areas Gala.
"We are pleased and honoured that our projects were appreciated and awarded at a national youth gala. We are a team that wants to make a change in the rural community of Tinca, that wants to have an impact. In this sense, we work with determination , devotion, passion and responsibility. These awards represent a form of appreciation of the involvement of my colleagues. Therefore, I am glad and honoured to receive these awards and to share them with colleagues. Thank you to those who voted for these projects, to those who have seen their beauty and value. I am also grateful to those who initiated this gala, in which the initiatives from the rural area are valued. We are waiting for you in the Tinca community, to share ideas, to learn from each other to then change together , the image of rural communities." said Daniela Tütös, the director of the ProRoma school In Tinca and the coordinator of the project "Learn to see the world through the eyes of a photographer".
We've started a new school year at the ProRoma school in Tinca.
We thank the Mayor, Teodor Coste, for his support and encouragments.
Good luck everyone!
str. Republicii nr. 36
Oradea, 410159, Romania
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