
You'll find below a list of all the projects that People to People Foundation is currently running or has run in the past. Read more about the ways in which lives are being changed.


Education Anti-Trafficking Social Enterprise


Community Development Humanitarian Aid



Princess Margaret of Romania FoundationName of Project:  ProRroma afterschool - funded by Princess Margaret of Romania Foundation thru The Special Fund for Children

For school year 2017-2018 - we have received a financial support of 18.000 lei for covering a part of the costs of meals for more than 100 children that attended our After School program in ProRroma School in Tinca.

The main objective of this project is to prevent early school dropout, to offer remedial educational activities, build life skills and abilities and to promote social inclusion and reduce marginalization - for 100 children between age 7-12

More about this program here:


Name of project:  Interactive dual language immersive learning space”- New Castle University
Funded by:  Erasmus 2014 Key Action 2
Amount:  132,662 Euros
Period:  Oct 2014 - Feb 2017
Target group:  Children, parents from the gypsy community, teachers 
Objectives and activities:
Improving the education of children from Eastern Europe especially Roma migrants in Primary School (age 5-11), for increasing their engagement and motivation for attending school.
Website link: 


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Name of Project: Tandem with NGOs to support victims of trafficking in human beings (VoT) - TaNGO -  for 22 months between mid November 2017. In partnership with  International Organization for Migration Bucharest, Asociația pentru Dezvoltarea Practicilor Alternative de Reintegrare și Educație (ADPARE), Bucharest, Micu Bogdan Foundation (FMB), Brasov.

The project is implemented within the framework of the Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Programme to Reduce Economic and Social Disparities within the Enlarged European Union.

Main project results:

@  At least 100 VoTs referred in the NRM mechanism and comprehensively assisted with tailor-made services; the assistance will include protection, medical and psychological care, temporary housing, child care, income-generating activities, legal assistance, job trainings, job placement, and other re/integration support as required on a case-by-case basis;

@  At least 25 VoTs assisted for return from countries of destinations;

@  At least 25 VoTs supported after return and provided with reintegration measures and 100 VoTs in total benefiting from integration assistance;

@  Two national workshops organized and carried out in 2017 and 2019, involving in total 60 participants;

@  One Counter Trafficking directory including 10 NRM info sheets developed and distributed.

swiss romanian coopration programme

Project co-financed by a grant from Switzerland through the Swiss-Contribution to the enlarged European Union. 

For more information about the Swiss - Romanian Cooperation Programme, please check the following websites: -


Name of project:  PRO HEALTH – Improve medical services for victims of human trafficking
Funded by:  EEA Grants 2009-2014, NGO Fund in Romania. 
Amount:  66,785 Euros
Target group: 
Objectives and activities: 
Website link: 

Name of project:  "Chance and Challenge -Improve social services for victims of trafficking" (Main applicant - Association ProRefugiu)
Funded by:  
Amount:  118,954.16 Euros
Period:  1st May 2014 - 1st April 2016
Target group:  victims of human trafficking, specialists in the area
Objectives and activities: 
- Improving the social services offered for trafficking victims.
- Mapping social needs and types of services provided to victims of trafficking by non-governmental organizations and institutions in Romania and Norway.
- Trainings in Norway and Romania for Romanian specialists from non-governmental organizations and institutions involved in the field to improve how grant counseling or social work for the benefit of victims of trafficking.
- Develop and promote a system of reference between Norway Romania on Romanian citizens victims of trafficking.
- Providing counseling, legal and social assistance to victims of trafficking
Website link:


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Social Enterprise


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Community Development

Name of Project: Proactivity for labor market focusing on former industrialized areas of North-West, Centre and South
Funded by: 
 4,639,147 lei
April 2015 – December 2015
Target group: 
Unqualified workers
Objectives and activities: 
Increasing participation in lifelong learning for employees of 560 from economic sectors included in the actual directions of industrial policy, of which 448 people have domicile / residence in zone / former industrialized cities, including their surrounding areas.
- 560 employees from vulnerable areas, 80% of former industrial areas
- 11 programs of re / qualification rigor and organized by European standards for:
- 20 Groups of trainees;
- 20 Graduation exams organized 20 training groups;
- minimum 90% of graduates that pass the final exam;



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Humanitarian Aid



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