People to People work at the heart of communities to help give children the opportunity to achieve their full potential – and live free from the consequences of poverty. Poverty is more than money. It is environmental, economic, social and cultural. It reduces childrens chances of survival, growth and development.
People To People is transforming lives in six key areas:
Bringing the Good News of Salvation through Jesus Christ.
Show all people that real change and personal freedom comes from committing your life to Jesus
Supporting access to basic physical needs. Everyone needs food, shelter and water to live to survive.
Health care
For many, receiving medical treatment is a luxury. We strengthen existing services and resources and work so the poorest children and their families have access to basic healthcare.
Education is a priority. Education is a key factor in breaking the cycle of deprivation that many poor people face. The need for increased access for high quality education, vocational training and reform of existing educational structures is a key component of our operations.
Childcare and Social Services
‘People To People' Oradea has been working with communities to help deal with some of the social consequences of the economic transition. In particular we have been working with children whose parents have no longer been able to care for them at home.
Alternatives to the institutionalization of children do work. Services that prevent abandonment or promote the reintegration of children into family life are giving children in the region real hope. We want the abandoned children to grow up in a loving family-type environment before being fostered at home or adopted into a new family.
Combating Discrimination and Social Exclusion
Social exclusion because of discrimination reduces the options for children. Integration of children traditionally excluded from mainstream society is vital for healthy development.